Sunday 1 April 2012

Adorkable Nair~(Induction) Day 1.

On the Day 1 of the field visit Nair is asssigned a senior to buddy (Rockt singh~ ye ye the best salesman f d year kinda guy; u got that right people) and D'(k)Boss { people- from now on we cud kep he "k" silent wokey } has offerred to do the day-1 market with him...

Nair is seemingly kicked about D' Boss coming along ~ perks of joining in from a reputed YemBeeYea college ~ he assumes...
May the Lord Guruvayurappan forgive him~ for he is a adorkable greenhorn.
See this is what happens when u be a "Dayscholar" at college~ you miss the most important part of your education that happens (WONLY &WONLY) in THE hostel...
"On the day one" seniors line up for nothing else!- (just to get to know you first-hand offcourse )

5:30 am

Alarm Goes off..

I was at Ahmedabad when the earthquake happened~ lived on the 10th floor of an apartment at Jodhpur char rasta... I slept through the commotion, only to wake up later an walk into the balcony in my superman undies to find the whole world gathered on the road ~and then froze n stood statue-still ~as if me taking a steps gonna bring the building down.. had to call for help to get don to d ground psstt...

And you think a silly alarm cud wake me up~ sssshhheeee~!

6:30 am

D'Boss, Rocket all ready n waiting for Nair...
Nair is not even answering the phone...
Two rounds of early breakfast and Nair is still MIA **

7:30 am

In the dream land :
This is why I love these MNCs... its just been a week and im a part of the bangkok trip ~~~~ yeayeayeahhh U heard it right ~ im in the bangkok trip list. ssoo niceeee nnnoo !
Tickets ~ paid for
Food~ paid for
daru~ paid for
Sight seeing ~ paid for
strip show clubs - own money
travellin allowance and DA~ allowed

landed in the evening , got my visa stamped on the arrival at bangkok~checked into the hotel~ dumped suitcase~ strrraaigghttt to the nightclub ..
all INR that I had converted to Baht...
Adrenaline pumpin at the wrong places has got me NUTS by now...focus focus focs ! Stay focused .. feels like im in a dream  ( im a virgin! satyam! .. hey dont laugh people~ god promise)
Stopped on the way to d nightclub at a supermarket ~ picked up a crate of beer~ all 6 down before i got to d strip club~ Daru expensive inside u know... The famous indian way of staying in high spirits inside an expensive joint and saving monies too ..." lose ur marbles but not ur pennies" theorum u know ..

Its like that Axe Efect u know ~ whenever Im drunk on beer women just get drawn to be me like in a trance.... within minutes inside the club im a being escorted into a private room...( fool its d MONEY honey.. not d hunk in u or d beer ~ i would leave that for the experience to teach me later )
Quick decision making always featured as one of my greatest  strengths in all the SWOT analysis ive ever  done...ALWAYS_without wasting even a fraction of a second had got pally to a RUSSIAN inside d club....eeerrr jus that i cud just reach up to her shoulder in hight..err%$#@ nver mind thats caled blessing in disguise :)
Ayyo bhagawanneee.... Now I know why people are so craazzzy about their first KISS!

I just had mine and Im wet ! aaaaaaawwww!

But she wudnt leave me ~ shes getting wilder... passionately smoochin on my lips ~boys will always be boys u know ~im done with it lady~i cant fake it now .. i slowly open my eyes to see her face ~

AAYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Im here .. in my bed in Pune ~ Goofy my dog happily licking my face YYyaaaaaaKKKKKK!!!
OhhhhHHHHhhh Faaaaaaaaaaack! I over slept !

D'Boss & Rocket are already on the way to the upcountry market ~ Nair's been told to reach by his own!!!

So Much for the new Louis Philip shirt, New shooose and new Ferrari (first copy) perfume~ all the dialogues I had rehearsed and kept ready for the first imbression !!!


( People if u like it then share it )

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