Monday 19 March 2012

From where the assortment of all silliness begins...

Born as the only child into a mallu family based out of Orissa, grew up in the steel township of Rourkela amongst people from literally all parts of the country. Childhood spent on heavy dope of sports representing my school, “SAIL” where my father worked and  Orissa the state I lived~ in three major sports cricket, football and table tennis .While juggling between studies and sports theatre helped me to release the pressure and keep myself amused with living different characters on the stage.

Left home at 18 to do my college and since then have been on the move. Since then have lived in Chennai, pondy, Mysore, Hyd, Bangalore, Gujarat, Delhi and now excitedly exploring Maharashtra n goa.

Family comprises of my parents from whom I still draw my inspiration and energy, are also the source of all the confused “orthodox mallu born n brought up in north syndrome”..

A very loving, understanding and full of life better half "V" , born to Tallu Parents in Punjab and brought up in all over the country owing to Father’s Airforce background  brings in  just about the right mix of “paradox of mixed upbringing”  adding color to the never ending theatre @ home..

Our highly inquisitive, super hyper, pink color obsessed  Barbie swearing angel daughter "A" who’s really challenged and helped me to look at a fresh perspective of everything around.Poor things been confused about which language to follow in general owing to the cross breed culture that she represents of the new age India…( Im told a common syndrome amongst the cross breed kids in general )
And now a chilled out son "D" who’s busy sorting out the new world (read eccentric family ) he’s stepped into in 2011...

To keep myself sane , alive n kicking in between all the work pressure I try my best and take out time to do a bit of photography, reading, watch sports and when I really have time on hand once in a while try expressing myself by penning down a few lines.

This is where the assortment of all the silliness begin …

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