Friday 23 March 2012

Adorkable Nair ~Chapter 1 (Induction field trips)

                                      the induction

~field trips~ to begin with -

D' Boss believes "jo shuru shuru mei ragadta hei vohee heera banta hei"... (ie; agar ragad ragad ke choora na ban gaye ho tho ~as per d stats formulae "gy = agb + (l-a) gk + q" *** , the cream who makes it .)

Every MT in the hystory of corporate world LOVE it  (like HATE it ) ~(in brackets offcourse ) and every love-hate relationship starts with a honeymoon period (tradition u know.. cant break it people)...inductions are no different .. the ***The Four" R's "  of managing this cimportant phase are as follows

(i) Every one puts up their fakest best or may be the bestest fake ~ its all cosmetic

(ii) Everyone asks the right questions~ usuallly to show off all the useless/ antediluvian /impractial/inoperable concepts and jargons that one picks up at college (canteens) lectures (gyans)..~ all in d endeavor of emanating the right chemistry/signals

(iii) Everyone makes the right noices ~ even if u dont get it ~FAKE IT~

(iv) Be it at In-laws or be it at the new office ~ cement the right relationships with the right people ~ u gotta make ur network map for survival

Its not for no reason that the mallu land has the highest literacy rate ~ Candidates like Adorkable Nairs are the ambassadors of this land ~living up to it whole heartedly every minute~ when it comes to ennnnnnny Theaorrryy _ they can bloody mug it up*** (refer notes at d end for the secret potion)... when it comes to Execution ..

Execution  =     first discuss/debate/research/validate + unionise to thozhilali union/INTUC/politicise
                           Apply it when u get time from the unending lifting-folding-unfolding-liftin... of lungi

net net Mr Nair was going to apply the theory for the first time in life and apply it as he understood/misunderstood best !

*** gy = agb + (l-a) gk + q=google it out if u cant sleep "CONCEPT AND MEASUREMENT OF PRODUCTIVITY BY‘GBOYEGA A. OYERANTI . i googled it out to make ut n equation for d heck of it magane;)

***four" R's "=( u must be wondering whats this four "R's"ayyo machha..generally faked the "four P's" mathiri .. four "R"ules hihihi)

*** secret of mallu memory= ( secret of this in the rice u eat there u know ~WHO/NASA/REDCROSS/INTERPOL/RUSSIONS/ISI/MOSSAD/VHP/SHIVSENA/SFI/BABA RAMDEV - everyones researching on this  very life changing secret)

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