Sunday 18 March 2012

Weekend snippets

For a while been dying of guilt for not spending enough time at home with family....and this weekend I decided to change it all~decided totake it head on ~ Turn it around ... and I stayed home with a plot to make it up once for all...

The perfect Agenda had it all...Playing d" perfect daddy" to win back the "responsible son" crown to show ma wife Im d same old "fun to be with fellaw " she fell for few years back.

5.45 am
Alarm bajne laga hei.. !!! Damn !
Veena's Staring hard @ me....I pretend to be fast asleep (as usual) (and she knws)
V's whispering loud why d hell do u hav to put an alarm for so early even on a holiday...
with a stupid grin on ma face I scramble fr d fone n put it off~ gesture peace

8.00 am
Alarm in the mind goes off this time and I jump out of d bed its like d final call for boarding n d airport...n thts d usual tippin point that makes me move my weight ;) ..
Both "V" & baby Anjali stop playing ,gwak at me nowwwhhaaat ? U said u gonna be home today
errr...ya i would come back early..eerr by lunch..i mean just couple of hours...yeah m workin from home today.. i had quickly sensed the MAHAUL and picked my stance....
ufff ajkal ghar per bhi ye sab natak karna padta hei ...

9 .00am
Mom has asked me a zillion times by now If Im ~Rrreaaaallly ~staying home today ...and if she should ~Seeeerriously~ plan for some f ma fav dishes for lunch..I dont blame her !
Perched on top of d kitchen slab (ma usual place since childhood when mom makes garam garam dosas )and "V" right nxt to me M on a roll today ... 5 down and I've just started .. Ggwaad ! few things never change in life... D welcome change being now I have a wife giving company n competition ;) N Im so thankful..

ps: thanks to BLJ contest i have lost d capacity to eat too many @one go ! @#$%!! Never mindM gonna come back after an hour fr a second helping;)

11.00 am
catchin up on family gossip wid mom ~ Done ! (hav huge family tree,n r fav past time's discussing each f dem.. its real fun ;))
wrestling with baby anjali ~ Done! (I lost d bout :( psst secret secret )
Dad's comfortable on d bean bag with d TV on and snoring ! ufff I cud never keep him interested in my talks fr more than 30 seconds !#@# Never mind ,Im no Quitter
V's tryin to put d baby to sleep..( though it looks d other way to me from the look of it, and thats wht usually happens out f this )
FB ~Done..All TV channels ~browsed ..
NOWWAAHT! Im getting Restless

1.30 pm
After two n half hours of discussion we havent found an answer ~ Lunch ke badh kya karein ? Dad's still on d bean bag ~I guess hes seeen it all and too many times to be bothered anymore..;)

I give up too! cant resist the chicken curry aroma coming out f kitchen !hhmmm...

2.30 pm
Sarojini Ngr Mrkt ~ first time after being in Delhi for a year~
Lookin at d setting 'f d place Im kinda reassured _monetarily less damaging..but i can sense its gonna be painstakingly long before I can get these ladies outta here... Now I know why dad settled to stay back at home n take d BBIIIIGG responsibility 'f filling water in d tank ! N Now I read the wink he gave Shuks M trapped !

6.45 pm
still in Sarojini ngr mrkt ~ I m looking like a husband now !~ M hiding even in midst of this maddening crowd ;) !

8.50 pm
Back home ~ Lessons learnt :
Shopping is Shopping , be it in sarojini ngr or shoppers stop ~ Equally damaging to d pocket !
quantity shopping's damaging in all ways ~moneywise ~timewise~utility wise~etc..etc..etc

But hey ! trust me its worth the instant stature boost one gets (though its temporary and has only a few hours shelf life )

10.00 pm
Work's less tiring ~ Now I can relate well to all those faces I see in office on saturdays regularly~

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